Screen Australia Filmmaker Masterclass at
2024 Australian International Movie Convention

The Australian International Movie Convention (AIMC) is the key annual film conference that brings together local and international executives from Cinema Exhibition, Film Distribution and Production.

This year Screen Australia has partnered with AIMC on a new program designed to increase engagement and attendance for Australian filmmakers. The Screen Australia Filmmaker Masterclass held on Monday was dedicated to Australian production with the screening of a high-profile local film, and brought filmmakers together with industry professionals, looking at data, marketing innovations, new thinking and powerful ideas on reaching Australian audiences. The sessions are now available to watch online.

“The Australian International Movie Convention (AIMC) unites the Australian cinema industry, bringing exhibition, distribution and the creative film making community together to discuss emerging trends, share ideas, explore opportunities for collaboration and to showcase upcoming releases.”

Cameron Mitchell Executive Director,
National Association of Cinema Operators (NACO)